Friday, July 11, 2008

First Entry in Blog Continuum

While attempting to work tonight I am softly derailed to a chain of searches and links that finally lead to a blog about a dirt bike ride across the US on a road called the TAT. I eagerly read about this man's journey for more than an hour, I read every word. I lived through his simple account of an amazing tale.


Here is the blog that inspired me to start a blog. The first line reads:

I gave a reclusive government conspiracist a ride and when he climbed up he said, "This is the first time I've been on a motorcycle since 1968 when I was smuggling hashish from Istanbul to Berlin."

I am not very disciplined. This may be the biggest problem of my life. Or it's a gain - it leads me to distraction. Which is apparently how I got here ( 


I say LIVE WHILE I'M ALIVE, my fortune tonight read:

 'Your blessing is being safe and sound for your whole lifetime.' 

A motorcyclist could really hold on to that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Writing about Gary IN.. email me.